Publication Ethics and Malpractice

The Arab Journal for Scientific Publishing adopts the policies of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) as an ethical reference in scientific research.
The magazine also relies on a careful arbitration and review process by a jury of specialists and competencies, with strict ethical standards.
Journal editors use PlagScan to compare content submitted to our journals to what has been published to check for ethical malpractices
such as plagiarism and data falsification.
Link to the COPE website guidelines: Click Here

Below is a selection of the most important scientific publishing ethics:

• As a peer-reviewed scientific journal, the Arab Journal for Scientific Publishing follows a rigorous review process, It provides important guidance for reviewers and referees to ensure that original publications are of high scientific merit.
• Copyright belongs to the Arab Journal for Scientific Publishing and authors must declare that the paper is original, has not been submitted elsewhere, and does not contain copyrighted elements.
• Authors must disclose any information in the manuscript that could be considered a potential conflict of interest before submitting it to the journal.
• For other researchers to reconstruct the study, the data and methods used must be described in sufficient detail in the research paper so that other researchers can take full advantage of the results.
• The research must not contain any published information. If you wish to post and include a previously published graphic or image, please seek appropriate permission from the copyright holder.
• Plagiarism involves copying text, ideas, images, or data from other sources, including your publications, without citing the source or references. Therefore, the reuse of copied content must be enclosed in quotation marks with the source cited. If the study design, study structure, or language is a reference to previous work, that work should be explicitly cited. That's why all papers submitted to journals are checked for plagiarism using PlagScan, and if reviewers detect plagiarism during the review process, the work may be rejected. If plagiarism is discovered after publication, the journal will investigate and take appropriate action in accordance with its policies.
• The Arab Journal for Scientific Publishing is committed to correcting and publishing any real errors in published research as soon as possible after readers, authors, or editors point them out.
• Information obtained in confidential services (such as reviewing research papers or grant applications) may not be used without express written permission from the author of the work included in those services.

Criteria for Research Papers: Authors must provide an accurate description of the work performed and an objective discussion of its significance.
The research paper should also contain sufficient details and references to allow others to expand on it.
Data access and retention: The Editorial Board may ask authors to submit raw data from a paper for review.

Originality and plagiarism: Authors must ensure that the research they write is completely original and if they use the research or writings of others, they must cite or cite it appropriately. Duplicate or concurrent publications: Authors should generally not publish papers describing essentially the same research in more than one journal or research article.

• Researchers participate in designing and planning research projects, extracting or obtaining research data, or analyzing or interpreting research data.
• Researchers participate in drafting large portions of scientific papers prepared for publication or in critically reviewing them.
• Final approval of the issued version.
• You agree to be responsible for the completeness and accuracy of all aspects of the research work and its results

Copyright may not be transferred in any of the following cases:
• Lack of intellectual or scientific contribution of value to the research or its results.
• Limiting contributions to providing funds, data, raw materials, or equipment necessary for research.
• Dedicating the authorship to a personal legal value to enhance the status of the research.

Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest: All authors must disclose in their manuscripts any financial or other significant conflicts of interest that could be construed as affecting the results of their research. Therefore, all sources of financial support for the project must be disclosed (including the grant number or any other reference number, if any).

Material Errors in the Published Work:
When an author discovers a material error or inaccuracy in his published work, the author is responsible for immediately notifying the journal editor and cooperating with the editor to retract or correct the paper.

Copyright and License:
Every article published in the Arab Journal for Scientific Publishing is licensed under the Creative Commons License, and copyrights are reserved for the Arab Journal for Scientific Publishing, This article is published under the Creative Commons Free CC BY NC 4.0 license

Journal data sharing policy:
The Arab Journal for Scientific Publishing encourages all researchers in this journal to share their research data unless there are ethical, legal, or privacy-related reasons that prevent sharing the data. Therefore, approved researchers may share data for correspondence upon request. In cases where a third party has ownership of the data, data collected by [Third Party] researchers will be shared through communications with approved researchers authorized by [Third Party].


The Arab Journal For Scientific Publishing

It is considered a beacon for researchers to publish their research and scientific papers

Our goal is to increase the scientific environment for researchers and students

Accredited to Arab universities
  • جامعة الملك عبد العزيز
  • الجامعة الاردنية
  • جامعة الكويت
  • جامعة البحرين
  • جامعة قطر
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