Available fields to publish in the journal

Arab journal publishes many fields and specializations because it includes a lot of academic and scientific and provide opportunities for research and arab master's students. To get a journal that inclusive to publish their research and scientific papers.
الدراسات القانونية - ألمجلة العربية للنشر العلمي

- Legal Studies

It publishes research and scientific papers in legal studies

الدراسات الهندسية - ألمجلة العربية للنشر العلمي

- Engineering Studies

It publishes research and scientific papers in engineering studies

دراسات الاعمال والاداره العامه - ajsp

- Business studies and general management

It publishes research and scientific papers in business and general management studies

الدراسات الاسلامية

- Islamic Studies

It publishes research and scientific papers in Islamic studies

دراسات التربية والتعليم

- Education studies

It publishes research and scientific papers in education studies

دراسات تقنية المعلومات والتكنولوجيا

- science Technology studies

It publishes research and scientific papers in science and technology studies

دراسات الفنون والتصميم

- Arts and Design studies

It publishes research and scientific papers in arts and design studies

دراسات صحة الانسان

- Human health studies

It publishes research and scientific papers in human health studies

دراسات ومجالات اخرى

- studies in other fields

It publishes research and scientific papers in all various specialization

The Arab Journal For Scientific Publishing

It is considered a beacon for researchers to publish their research and scientific papers Our goal is to increase the scientific environment for researchers and students


Accredited To Arab Universities
  • جامعة الملك عبد العزيز
  • جامعة الكويت
  • جامعة البحرين
  • جامعة قطر
  • جامعة زايد
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